Balancing Academic Life With Spiritual Well-Being

Finding Equilibrium with Your School and Soul

Many people can devote a ton of time and energy to school but neglect their spirituality. After all, we seek education to better our lives: higher paying jobs, financial security, or to fulfill obligations to family. There’s nothing wrong with a little ambition but finding balance is not only vital for your mental, emotional and physical health but can spirituality more likely ensure your success?

Certain aspects of academic life can take their toll: the pressure, stress, and limitations of our schedule can cause us to abandon spiritual practices when we need them most. Sometimes you need something larger than yourself to alleviate some of the mental strain of your work while also silencing the doubts and fears that could tank your progress.

We don’t live in a society that likes balance. We’re encouraged to work hard and reap the rewards later but without proper rest, relaxation, and carving out a time to better yourself, burn out is more likely. You can end up neglecting what can ultimately give you the boost you need to succeed.

This post puts together some simple spiritual strategies to help you preserve some peace of mind and expand your spiritual practice as a way to support your academic pursuits rather than the first thing you drop to push forward with your goals.

Stretch With Spirituality

Spirituality gives you something larger than yourself. Whatever you believe in, whether it’s a traditional religion or the Universe or nature, putting your faith in something larger than yourself helps give your ego a break.

While they often get a bad rap, our egos are an integral part of our psyche. However, if left unchecked your ego can make you feel like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders. It can also make your body believe everything warrants a fight or flight response. Spirituality helps us take a break from trying to keep our world in balance and instead find serenity in a power greater than ourselves and going with the flow.

 This can help alleviate feelings of anxiety by taking some of the pressure off. Spiritual practice can also give you a support system to push yourself further whether it’s who you put your faith in or the community you find in your practice.

So much of learning is stretching outside of your comfort zone. Learning new skills, memorizing new facts, and managing stress during exams can feel overwhelming. Cultivating a spiritual practice can help ease some of the pressure by offering support and helping you find calm in the chaos.

Additionally, spiritual practices like meditation, breathwork, and energy healing can help you get more in touch with your body, clear out residual mental or emotional distractions and reclaim your focus.

Speaking of spiritual practices…

Meditate Your Way To Better Grades

Meditation is vital not only for your peace of mind but also part of a healthy spiritual life, it can also be your secret weapon for studying?!? A regular meditative practice can help tidy up your headspace and studies have even found it can enhance your learning speed.

Think about it, meditation is both about relaxing your mind which gives it some much needed downtime and also helps you clear out outdated thoughts and detach from unhealthy narratives.

This essentially gives you more mental energy to focus on what you need it to like prepping for exams or learning new skills.

Taiwaneese study found that students who attended a regular mindfulness class performed better across multiple academic metrics. Additionally, a Harvard study found that meditation is beneficial for people suffering with depression and anxiety and can literally change their brain.

Another study found regular meditators had a thicker cortex of the brain and more plasticity which are markers for intellectual ability and the ability to learn. 

Overall, meditation can help you get in better connection with yourself and get a better handle on how your brain works. It can help you shut down the voices that creep up to tell you you can’t, might fail, or exacerbate any anxiety.

Additionally, a regular meditative practice can help give your brain time to integrate information you’re learning and studying making it more readily available from your memory. Overall, meditation can not only help you better connect with your spirit but gain a clearer picture of the landscape of your mind.

Carve Out Spiritual Time

It may seem illogical to take time away from a rigorous academic schedule to focus on your spiritual life. However carving out that spiritual time can be an amazing way to collect yourself and encourage your peace of mind. Studying can be stressful, test taking can cause anxiety and handling all of life’s obligations outside of school work can feel exhausting.

Spiritual time can help you cultivate equanimity, or a greater balance over your emotions, help you better manage your mood, and also help you uplevel your mental capacity. Time for spirituality or time away from study may seem counterintuitive to your academic goals but our brain needs time to rest. One study found that taking breaks can actually facilitate learning new skills.

While there isn’t a ton of study on spirituality, one study found that a regular spiritual practice can help decrease the chances of cognitive decline. Another study found that spirituality can help with life changing situations causing overall positive changes with those who practice.

Ultimately, it can help you have an overall more positive attitude and mindset and alleviate some of the anxiety and other negative emotions that can be impacting your performance, not to mention rest is a vital form of self-care and spiritual practices are often restorative.

The Power of Prayer

Many can struggle with religious trauma, as not all religions are welcoming, empowering, or free from human egos. And yet, prayer can be so powerful for your own benefit. Spirituality is a relationship you have with your own spiritual beliefs and prayer can be a powerful way to connect with what you believe in.

Whether you pray to a god, gods, nature, the Universe or even your ancestors the practice can be transformative. Prayer allows you to give your ego a little rest from trying to focus on keeping you alive and controlling everything. It gives you the benefit of putting your faith in something greater than yourself.

Scientific studies have found that prayer can be beneficial for your mental health. It can help reduce anxiety and depressive symptoms while also boosting your optimism. Additionally, prayer can help you regularly have gratitude for what’s going well and keep focused on your goals.

Quantum Tech Boost

Leela Quantum Tech has a bevy of products that give you regular access to quantum energy. Quantum energy is a pure form of energy that provides you with a greater sense of vitality as it has been linked to increased ATP production and cell recovery. This pure form of energy gives you a boost rather than relying on caffeine as snacks as study aids.

Studying can also mean you have to interface with a ton of technology. While that can help make it easier to study or give you greater access to information it does mean more exposure to EMF radiation. EMF radiation can not only be detrimental to your health it can negatively impact sleep quality which is vital when studying. Sleeping is when our body recoups and our brains integrate what we’ve learned. 

Quantum energy neutralizes this EMF radiation. Products like the Leela Quantum Bloc can not only add quantum energy in a fixed space but also charge water, food, and even items like your favorite pen or notepad. The H.E.A.L. capsule necklace can give you a regular influx of quantum energy which can help you when studying or preparing for an exam to stay clear headed and energized.


Spirituality may not seem like a priority if you have an aggressive academic schedule. However, certain practices can not only benefit your spiritual well being but also help you across the board. Spiritual practices can benefit you mentally, emotionally, and physically which can be a boon to your academic goals.

To perform well academically you need some clarity of mind and the ability to perform well under pressure. The right spiritual practice can not only ensure you have a healthy spiritual life but also help bolster your mood, mindset, and your relationship with yourself giving you the self-assuredness to tackle your school work with gusto.

