
Petra F.

Your H.E.A.L.® capsule is unique. The frequencies are clearly visible and perfectly choreographed, and every time I wear or hold it, it provides wonderful energy to my body and mind, uplifting and deepening me at the same time. This is the best I have tried so far.

Rhonda M

I'm so excited that you guys are supporting us in 5G and many more with these amazing and stylish products. Thank you for thinking of the little ones too! I would buy a baby hat for my sister's newborn because babies especially need protection and comfort.

Rochelle A.

Absolutely love the new Leela Quantum Calm and Rest card that I’ve had for a couple of weeks. I have had the most restful sleep without having to take anything at night. I always had trouble falling asleep and feeling rested when getting up. Also the inner peace card has been really helpful as well. Love the new frequencies.

Melissia B.

I used your new LeelaQ H.E.A.L.® card yesterday. really beautiful! Start with a gorgeous healing purple bag! What a quality! Love the material and design of the card! Last night I held the card to my chest for about 20 minutes and then I was sleepy. I slept well last night, but it might not be a fair test because of my day.

Wolfgang Albrecht

Your products are truly amazing. I didn't know a t-shirt could do so much: protect against all EMF and other potentially harmful frequencies, but also provide the body with a very palpable wonderful energy and always performed well in our kinesiology tests. I am a fan.

Infinity Bloc

Sam S.
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I recieved my DNA card about three weeks ago. I have a stainless steel drinking bottle with me which I charged in the IB with the DNA and Biobase Frequency Cards. I bought silver jewelery for my daughter and charged it in the IB. Also, I copied the Biobase Frequency Card on aluminum foil and wrapped it around the water pipe. So far I can say my hair ist softer and stronger at the same time. Maybe I should do the same with the power supply cord - with an other frequency. And last but not least - since the IB came here, our garden started mutating into a jungle.
Lisa Carroll
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I noticed with placing the IB centrally in the house everyone is benefiting from it by sleeping better n having less allergy issues overall!
Stefania Stockmann
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My second experience that I would like to share is my first encounter with the Infinity Block: An acquaintance fetched him to the presentation from the apartment in the garden. I first stood close when I perceived the power / energy of the IBlock, however, I first had to step back a meter and wait 5 minutes until my system had become accustomed to the strong energy. After that I could feel the waves very clearly and notice how the IBlock worked with / in me. Meanwhile, I ask myself the question of whether it needs at all still energetic Feng Shui with the blocks or whether the two do not replace it in the future. Thanks for developing the great products including frequency maps, capsules etc.
Matthias Brückner
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I'm a passionate bodybuilding fan. And so I thought to myself, I'll support my personal favorite at his next competition. He is not a top athlete and has always placed in the top 10. So I put a picture of him in my I bloc on the day of the competition without any expectations and was looking forward to the competition. During the day I followed the competition from Germany on Instagram. The competition was in Portugal. And actually to our ALL pleasure, it took 2nd place. It was also nice to see how many fans (12,000) were happy with him and me. As if the energy of the blocs has also passed on to the community
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Hello everyone, I would like to give feedback on the IB. The IB currently seems to be bringing up a lot of old patterns and triggers for me. On the weekend alone there were up to 10 that I noticed in myself. I wrote them all down and placed them in the IB with an affirmation and my picture several times. The energy was palpable, I noticed how it worked. I will still see whether the triggers and programs are transformed, but everything feels a little more relaxed and easier. 🙂
Danny Nguyen
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I have been using my IB to help my friend from South Africa. There are some riots and looting. I wrote an intention to keep him and his family safe. So far he’s doing okay.
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When I put the Infinity Bloc in the house,it brings so much joy. I noticed where I put it, I feel it harmonizes the energy so that conflicts can be reduced. ~ I love to charge crystals with the Infinity Bloc with healing energy. And the crystals become some much more shiny and powerful and supportive. ~ I have some important old files and books with kind of heavy and old energy, after I put them in the Infinity Bloc, they come out some much lighter. ~ And I also like to charge tea candles with the Infinity Bloc and I have different flavors and frequencies of candles. When I burn the candles, I can feel the different energy! It is really cool, fun and enjoyable!
Pete V. - 1
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In the last month I’ve used the Infinity Bloc on multiple occasions. This is one of my experiences: We have a friend who was found unconscious and taken to the hospital. A mutual friend telling us they had him in an induced coma and the doctors said he had a stroke too. They didn’t know if he would come out of the coma and if so he would have any complications. I put his picture in the IB one hour a day for 7 days with the H.E.A.L.® frequency imprinted on some foil. On the 8th day before I put him in the bloc again we got some good news saying that he was conscious and that he seemed to dodge any major health complications. Coincidence or did the IB help him? All of our friends in the group are now believers in the IB and now want to know more about quantum energy and frequencies.
Pete V. - 2
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Ths is another experience I had with my Infinity Bloc: Our neighbors dog had an incident where it jumped and landed wrong. It couldn’t walk at all. Our neighbors told us the vet had told them their dog would probably lose the use of its hind legs. They were really down. I had them send me a picture and used that picture along with the DOG H.E.A.L.® frequency imprinted on foil. After 4 days in the Infinity Bloc at one hour sessions they text me saying the doctor was surprised to see the improvements the dog had made. It still has trouble walking around like before the incident but has use of its hind legs and seems to be improving daily.
Pete V. - 3
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This I experienced with our dog and my Infinity Bloc: Our dog went to the groomer who must’ve used a different shampoo because our dog got a few hotspots which never happens. She was scratching like crazy. I snapped a pic of her, printed it out and left her in the IB for 2.5 hours with the DOG H.E.A.L.® frequency. The itching didn’t subside immediately but the next day she was almost back to normal, very minimal itching. I’m really a firm believer in whatever this is? Can it be pure coincidence? Or is it a combination of using this quantum energy, intention and frequency? I’m not sure if the correct term is quantum entanglement or string theory but whatever it is I’ll continue to keep using it and trying new things.
Pete V. - 4
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Whenever we drink water we charge it with the H.E.A.L.® frequency on tinfoil, dog bowls, shoes, cell phones, laptops, keys etc… Even though I can’t say that I’ve felt any major affects like a lot of people share in the chat group, it does seem to make a difference with my right knee when I put it in the bloc for a few minutes. These words of Philipp really resonated with me. He said “HERE’s the key to understand for the ones that can’t “feel” energy so well: usually we’re still in much lower vibration ourselves and the higher a vibration gets, the further it is for us to grasp it...unless we look at results and changes in life, etc”. So for me I really want to keep on learning about all this and try to get a better understanding. I’d like to make changes in my life and raise my consciousness to a point where I’m better able to connect with these higher vibrations.
Steven Fisher
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I bought a doeling this spring to be a companion to my first doe, goats need a herd. Bottle fed goats often have trouble surviving hardships. So I was way worried when one morning I saw the doeling just laying on the ground, listless and breathing heavy. that lasted all day, there was no diarrhea present. I didn't think of using my Infinity Bloc until the next day when she was even worse. So I took a pic and placed it in the Infinity Bloc for a few hours and on the morning of the 3rd day she was up and about. I put her in again that day and by afternoon she was normal again.

Quantum Capsules

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I have been wearing the quantum hoodie and ball hat a lot, find the energy very calming. Been dealing with an uti, and from the moment I started carrying the H.E.A.L.® Capsule I started feeling a little healing/relief. It's been a few weeks now and am experiencing small but daily improvements. I take out all but one of the titanium balls out of the capsule before bed and put it under my pillow. Have to say, I have been sleeping better than I was and about an hour plus longer on average.
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My meditation sessions have been much more intense since wearing the H.E.A.L.® Capsule! Also, my well-being has improved and my life is going smoother. I feel inner guidance. The H.E.A.L.® Capsule is very strong and i only use 3/5 spheres. I feel that 5 is too strong. My father is using Men's Booster Capsule and he says it gives him more energy! He’s a bit older, hope it will help him on the long term
Terry Sweetland
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I bought the Infinity Bloc Set. When I assembled the second bloc I also took it to the next level. Until I started reading the comments I just realized that the slightly odd feeling is because I am getting too much power but I am able to cope with caring for my wife. I have the H.E.A.L.® Capsule in my pocket to assist me until I can tolerate the stronger fields the two blocs are providing. I also have a 5G tower at the end of the block.
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I have tried all sorts of frequencies in my H.E.A.L.® Capsule. Each one pushed the body one way or another. I find that usually one or two days with the same frequency is enough (just a feeling). Lately I wear just the capsule without additional frequencies. I am also bathed by a Quantum Bloc and an Infinity Bloc from afar. The Infinity Bloc I moved to another house about 200 feet higher. The resultant energy is smoother...it's easy to overdo the energy with so many tinks in one house, although mine is nothing compared to others. But different bodies have vastly different requirements which can keep changing, so I check in often to feel what is appropriate. Putting my photo in a Quantum Bloc seems to provide additional balance. The body is closing in on 80, but energetically feels more like 50. The up and down swings in energy have ceased.
Alex S.
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Thanks to K. and experiencing Quantum entanglement with his help for my sister and family pet. It just blew me away. So I bought my own H.E.A.L.® Capsule and Abundance Card. I got them this week and I have been wearing capsule while playing basketball and my stamina recovery has defiantly improved quite a bit. I was able to play multiple games 2 days in a row when in the past would have been possible but experience a lot of soreness. I also sleep with the Abundance Card under my pillow last 2 days and I feel like some opportunities I have been waiting on are on the way to me and I believe the Abundance Card is helping. I am grateful for the group and constantly seeing other people’s experiences.
Rocky R.
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After I got an Infintiy Bloc, I put all my food in there for charging. My latest tink is to place the Infinity Bloc in morning sun light and make sure the light is shining to the bottom plate. Then set my intention to copy the morning sun light frequency into a card. I have no way to confirm what have been copied into the card. But this is my go-to card during bad weather days. ☀️ My first reach to Leela products is because of the electrosmog. I used to carry the H.E.A.L.® Capsule every day. After I have the DNA Card, I feel it help my body function better in general. I feel less craving for the capsule or the EMF card (higher tolerance on external disturbance). It seems also help in grounding. When you have solid ground, it helps all kind of manifestation in physical level. For example, easier to focus and finish a task at work, reading and studying, etc.
Tim Merkel
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Hi Quantum Family..... I am a proud owner of both Blocs and several cards, So i can attest to its efficacy! I have shared on how it has helped in many ways before. What i am now amazed at the altruistic nature or movement sprouting on this telegram group. People putting friends and pets pictures in the bloc , etc. Sharing their trials, tribulations and then their successes. I recently was bitin by the spirit of altruism. So i bought the 4-pack of Leela Quantum H.E.A.L.® Capsules for my Friends & Family.
Wendy Beck
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I have the 4 H.E.A.L.® Capsules and the Calm and Rest Card. With the Calm and Rest Card next to my bed I’m getting about an hour more sleep which is pretty good. I carry 2 capsules with me. My daughter has one. And my husband has one. Have noticed hardly any arguments. More relaxed vibe. My daughters pit bull never cuddled with me. Now he does. Also I no longer choose pop and rap music in my car. I’m choosing acoustical and county. Yep a more relaxed vibe all around. Thanks!
Natalia Driban
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I just recently got an Infinity Bloc, few cards and H.E.A.L.® Capsules. As for my friend who I gifted one H.E.A.L.® Capsule, had never meditate in his life, now diligently practice it every day. I’m very sensitive to EMFs & feel good with my Capsule. The Weight Management Card keeps cravings at bay, My other Infinity Bloc is still at my friends home, after just resent loss of her husband, she is never been aware of anything closely related to quantum energy, etc. but she asked to keep it longer & things in house hold goes miraculously well.
Emily Adams
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I purchased the H.E.A.L.® Capsule in November of 2020. I started wearing the capsule all the time except when I went to sleep. I felt a noticeable, positive shift in my energy levels, focus, and overall mood. I started feeling more balanced, calm, and centered a little more every day. I also felt increasingly more intuitive and became naturally uninterested in anything that didn’t help my well-being. I feel like I absorb nutrients in food more, hydrate faster, and stay more focused in the daily routine. Highly recommend!

Quantum Bloc

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We got a new mattress that was causing us back pain. After a week or two of experiencing the improvement on my side, which I charged with quantum energy, I decided to try charging his side as well. I disassembled the quantum bloc and put the plates under/over the spots where his back would be, charging each spot for an hour (since there were no metal springs in the mattress). First night he slept pretty restlessly (just like I did the first night after charging), but he got less than 6 hours of sleep so it wasn't long enough to tell if it helped his back. Next night he got 8 hours and said his back felt fine (previously it was really hurting after 6 hours) but strangely enough his neck was killing him! I had charged the mattress under his back area only, so that day I charged two areas where his neck would be...and that seemed to do the trick! He was then able to sleep for 8-ish hours without pain. Now, this mattress charging effect did seem to lessen after two weeks for him. (For me it completely solved the problem with no return ill effects.)
Rochelle Aronson
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A very close friend’s almost 9 year old dog, Baxter, developed stomach cancer. As soon as I heard I made a capsule for him including 5 titanium charged spheres. I told her to try different amounts of spheres to see how he does. I also began quantum entanglements in the Quantum Bloc with his photo, a H.E.A.L.® for Dog charged foil, intentions and his hair every night now for over two months. This is a partial note she sent me a few nights ago. ‘Baxter is doing much better at night. THANK YOU for the work you are doing. He’s defying the odds and I’m amazed at his condition. He is still eating, which is unheard of and his attitude is still great.’ Dogs don’t understand what a placebo is, so even though this isn’t a scientific study, it’s wonderful that he’s still doing well and his quality of life remains good.
Lhasara Mück
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I have had the Quantum Bloc for a few months now. At the weekend, I was able to copy the frequencies of various cards from a friend on aluminum foil. Since I do radionic balancing according to Joachim Bitterhof, my first impulse was to let the copied frequencies now flow into the balancing. However, since my Bloc supports me at home privately and especially after my work, I am a healer, craniosacral therapist and spiritual teacher, it would be such a great pleasure to give another Bloc in my practice a home.
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Just received the Quantum Bloc on Thursday. I have a Energy Transmutation Bracelet I had bought last July. It’s made out of copper, and powdered shungite infused with silver shaped into a heart. It transmutes fear to love. When I first received the bracelet the energy was strong and I felt it for weeks, but it seemed to dissipate or I assimilated. So I put the bracelet in the Q Bloc for 3 mins yesterday and put it on. I had to take it off after a couple hours, because the energy was so strong. I felt it in my heart center and moving up to my throat center! I normally feel energy in my head, which makes me feel woozy, but I could feel it now in other parts of my body.
Danny B.
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I’ve been working on training my knees to go over my toes for increased athleticism. I went too far on Friday & woke up in tremendous pain Saturday. I spent a few hours on & off placing my foot in the Quantum Bloc. I expected to be out of it for at least a couple of weeks. I woke up today, Sunday, feeling 90% better!! I also slept with my H.E.A.L.® Capsule above my bed. So grateful for this technology & all those who brought it to the world. Also l am so grateful for the Telegram community, always sharing & helping each other without thought of compensation.

Quantum Collars

Kelly Day
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Just over a month ago I purchased the H.E.A.L.@ Capsule, DNA card & quantum cat collar. My cat perks up when she wears the collar. She is quite old now & sleeps a lot but definitely seems energized with the collar on, in fact the energy seems quite strong for her so I’ve been alternating her wearing it with her normal one so she can rest too. I’m really enjoying experimenting with these products & have noticed great results already! Thank you leelaq for your amazing work ✨
Emily Adams
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I purchased the Leela Dog collar. The next day after I received it, I drove 18 hours (round trip) in two days to pick up a new puppy. As soon as I set the puppy in my car, she was barking hysterically. I put the dog collar on her, and within about three seconds her entire energy changed. She got silent and calm, yet alert and intuitive. It has been about two weeks of her wearing the collar, and I must say I’ve noticed some profound things. The first night in my house, she howled like a wolf! She already has learned two tricks, hardly barks, and responds to me like she understands everything I’m speaking. Her /energy levels/intuitive side are truly advancing every day. I’m really looking forward to seeing this continue!
John Cecie
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I have many of Leela products and use them all the time, my cat loves his Quantum Collar, a pet tink. I have a petsafe drink well water fountain that I have a H.E.A.L.® Card under the lid that the water flows under keeping the water charged continuously and refill with the water from my Leelaq water bottle, my pets (3 cats, 1 dog) love this and are all doing great! Thanks again!!
Ed Baggerly
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Our dear friends very old Shih Tzu "Kata" was struggling and having trouble even walking. The vet thought she may have had a stroke. They feared it might be her time to leave us. I copied our dog's H.E.A.L.® frequency from her collar to a key chain ring and told them to fix it to a ribbon around her neck. The next day they called and told us Kata was acting like a puppy and had eaten four times! They felt blessed beyond words. We are all grateful to have been given these wonderful Leela products to experience and share.
Deanna F.
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I have a 12 year old heeler mix. She has had an anxiety problem for years. This manifests through licking her legs until they bleed. Through the years she has been on various prescriptions, cbd oil, and topical creams. She is a pro at removing dressings and then licking with a vengeance to make up for lost time. Changing her to an organic dog food did not help. The only intervention that was effective was the cone of shame, but she can't live like that forever. Once the cone came off, she returned to licking her legs. I go her a H.E.A.L.® collar to see if that might benefit her. I have also been putting her picture in the Infinity Bloc daily. There is some improvement in her wounds. She has been at this for years, so I think this is not going to go away overnight.

Frequency Cards

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I copied the Seasonal Relief frequency to a large luggage tag. My daughter in law came over with allergy symptoms. I gave her the card, about 5 minutes later she said her head felt like it had less pressure. She left with the card saying she was attaching it to her medical ID at work. I also have a Quantum Bloc. Sitting with my feet in it, I have a noticable centering, grounding, all is well and all knowing mental state. Similar to after meditation.
Nancy Yslas
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I bought the Weight Management Card. The first week I put the card under all my plates of food 20-30 minutes then before i begin to eat i would ask myself with full intention of being healthy, not skinny, but healthy, before i begun to eat i asked myself to eat only that what gives my body the nutrients and vitamins my body needs. I found myself not too hungry eat minimal of what i was making. If i had something completely unhealthy my body, I would feel full and not want to eat. It has changed my life style completely not only by what i eat but what i buy at the grocery store. Thank you!
André Costa
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I’ve got a few LeelaQ cards, one of them being “Forever Young”. As for the card, it stays underneath my pillow during sleep and I carry it with me during the day - tend to leave it on my shirt’s front pocket, where it is closer to the heart. Have noticed lately that I’ve been remembering things that brought me joy when I was younger - memories, things forgotten from when I was a kid or even adolescence. I’m glad I’ve been somehow reminded of them because I need to work on enjoying those forgotten things again - fact is, it feels good just thinking about them. I appreciate this and feel happier as a result now. Can’t say for sure that it was the card that was responsible but there it is - my before and after. Thank you. ❤️

Quantum Water Bottles

Bruce Winczewski
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I did an experiment with the Leela Quantum water bottle. I took a 950 mile trip to my 50th high school reunion from Nashville, TN to Minnesota. In the morning I drank Quantum water which gave me extra energy to stay awake and also gave me clarity to keep track of the traffic way ahead of me. In the afternoon I switched to coffee. It kept me awake but is more of a jittery energy. It made the trip alot more easy and safer with Leela Quantum water.
John Cecie
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I have many of Leela products and use them all the time, my cat loves his Quantum Collar, a pet tink. I have a petsafe drink well water fountain that I have a H.E.A.L.® Card under the lid that the water flows under keeping the water charged continuously and refill with the water from my Leelaq water bottle, my pets (3 cats, 1 dog) love this and are all doing great! Thanks again!!

Quantum Clothing

Nadia Wakrim
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I am very sensitive to EMF, I use the hat and the t-shirt every night, it improved my deep sleep and helped me fall asleep very quickly, I am very happy with my purchase.
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I have been wearing the quantum hoodie and ball hat a lot, find the energy very calming. Been dealing with an uti, and from the moment I started carrying the H.E.A.L.® Capsule I started feeling a little healing/relief. It's been a few weeks now and am experiencing small but daily improvements. I take out all but one of the titanium balls out of the capsule before bed and put it under my pillow. Have to say, I have been sleeping better than I was and about an hour plus longer on average.
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I do house cleaning and some houses are extremely "smart". By the time I finished cleaning these houses I would be extremely tired. I am now wearing the baseball cap to these houses and I no longer experience the extreme tiredness.

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