Preparing Your Energy Field For The Change In Seasons

How to Stabilize for Major Shifts Later in the Year

Whether it’s  the harsh darkness of winter months, or the impending frenzy of holidays, the changing of seasons can mark stark shifts in your energy. Weather shifts, daylight savings, and the pressure of new year can take a toll on your mind, emotional state, and even your energy.

How can you best prepare yourself? What are things to consider? How can you best fortify your energy for all of this change? A little preparation can go a long way to help you weather the impending shift in seasons and keep your energy secure.

This post will explore the various ways you can manage your energy through the major changes in temperature, day length and even the spiritual shifts that accompany the final months of the year.

Cement Your Habits

Once the weather changes it can be so much harder to do what you don’t want to do. Trudging to the gym in the rain, waking up early to cold dark mornings, and even just getting day-to-day tasks done can feel impossible if you’ve lost your motivation. If they’re ingrained habits you don’t need to really think to get them done.

Routine is vital because as the tides shift later in the year it can be hard to motivate but whatever is habitual becomes second nature. A great first step as the weather cools is to fortify your habits before they turn from simple errands to taxing chores.

By getting your habits down pat and creating and committing to a schedule you can build in the stability that can help make you more likely to follow through despite colder weather, less welcoming mornings, and the malaise that accompanies the later part of the year.

Overall, this saves you a ton of energy because you’re not fighting yourself, you’re just getting it done. By establishing healthier habits and making your must-do tasks part of your daily schedule you alleviate a lot of internal pressure and save a lot of energy you can lose trying to resist things you ultimately want to do. You also save energy because you think less to get them done. 

Proper habit formation makes these habits automatic rather than something that you need will power or encouragement to achieve. There’s even a Habit Lab that studies how so many of our automatic behaviors work and how changing them can be so impactful. While many say it can take 21 days to make a new habit it can sometimes take as few as 18 days to as many as 254.

Building proper habits like regular gym visits or a healthier diet before the weather cools can fortify these behaviors so that you have less trouble following through on leg day when it’s snowing or cleaning your bathroom when you just want to cuddle under a blanket because it’s dark.

Find the Light

The lack of sunlight at the end of the year can be a bummer. It turns out Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a real condition with a convenient acronym that describes depressive tendencies that accompany the later parts of the year. While not everyone who gets the blues in the later part of the year officially has SAD there are biological effects to the shifting of seasons you should be aware of.

As days get shorter we have less sunlight which impacts our body as so much of our energy comes from the sun. It’s in the plants that we eat and it even gives our body vitamin D which you need for various body functions including bone and muscle formation and immune health. Your immune system also takes a hit from the weather changes and general close quarters during cold months. That’s definitely an added motivation to focus on Vitamin D.

There’s a natural shock to our system as the day length shifts and we’re left with longer periods of darkness This means our body is likely to produce more melatonin which can explain some of the sleepiness and sluggishness you experience during the later part of the year. This makes light vital as melatonin production happens when we’re in the dark

One way to fortify your energy is to ensure you connect with the sun at some point in your day. This can help you realign your internal clock and boost your chances of getting vitamin D. You don’t need much, only about 15-20 minutes of direct sunlight but given the winter schedule this may mean carving out some time in the late morning or afternoon.

If you’re in an area that gets very overcast or snowy or if you are particularly impacted by mood and energy shifts in the darker times of the year consider investing in a light therapy Vitamin D lamp. This is commonly what helps people with SAD but you can too. In these times it also is important to bolster your body with vitamin D supplements as in some areas you may not even get enough sunlight for your body to make vitamin D.

Plan Ahead to Save Your Energy

One of Aesop’s famous fables finds a fastidious ant working all year being mocked by a playful grasshopper who faced a harsh winter for his foolishness and lack of planning. Planning ahead is not just for finances or potential snow, you can do the same for your time and your energy.

We have holidays every year and while some may have their holiday decorations color-coded, organized and labeled and others shop for gifts at the last minute there’s a lot of energetic shifts that happen in later months of the year and a ton of emotions.

Whether you celebrate Dia De Los Muertos or Yom Kippur, Christmas or Kwanza or celebrating one of the many new year celebrations like Diwali or Lunar New Year this time of year can be filled with a lot of intense emotions. High highs, low lows, reflecting on the dead or seeking repentance all this and we have to deal with family obligations all as the year comes to a close.

Contemplation can creep up and all of the emotions that we’ve been casting aside or working through all year just might appear to get addressed. Preparing yourself for these major emotional shifts and starting that work early can help you save energy and have more equanimity later. 

While, yes, it’s great to get your holiday planning done ahead of time, push to have all your work done before any vacation, and also explore better managing your organization around the holidays. It will save you from wasted mental, emotional and physical energy, there’s also something to be said for doing the same prep energetically.

Why not look ahead to the New Year now and use the next few months to make the most of your 2024? Reflect and deep dive on some of your growth, and support healthier habits by incorporating what you want now rather than waiting for some resolution to inspire you.

Doing some of this work can keep you from getting blindsided emotionally and or falling into traps like family drama, emotional overwhelm or the general manic-depressive energy of the holiday season. The holiday season time warp can make time feel like it keeps shirking until it’s suddenly 2025 because we have a ton of celebration, rushing through work and then a sudden influx of downtime.

By planning ahead you give yourself more time to reflect, plan, carve out the time to explore your emotions and let yourself feel them, pre-plan for your priorities so they don’t get lost in the holiday frenzy. Intentionality ensures you don’t hemorrhage any energy by shifting to autopilot during the holiday season where you have to be stressed all day at work and then happy at the holiday office party. Or you get so overwhelmed by Christmas shopping to make your kids happy you miss micro moments that can help them more readily enjoy their winter months.

Whether this is the time of year you get optimistic or depressed, grabbing the reins of your time, emotions, goals, and of course your money and earthly concerns can be transformative come 2025.

Use Quantum Energy to Fortify Your Field

Leela Quantum Tech helps bring you pure quantum energy into your energetic field with their suite of products. Quantum energy is pure positive energy that not only gives you a natural boost to your vitality levels it also can help fortify you from potential energy losses.

Certain parts of our daily life ranging from free radicals in air pollution and toxins to draining social interactions can leave us depleted. Leela Quantum products like the H.E.A.L. capsule Necklace or their frequency cards can help protect or counteract these drains.

The quantum energy provided by these products can help neutralize some of the energy drains on the atomic level. There is a lot happening to us on the atomic level which is both too small and outside the realm of human sight. 

Free radicals are incomplete atoms hungry for electrons and exist in everything from smoke to pollution and even alcohol and fried foods.  Just like that needy energy vampire in your life who wants to talk your ear off they want to steal energy from your living cells. This increases oxidative stress which is a major cause of aging.

Quantum energy helps neutralize some of these free radicals. It also helps neutralize many of the harmful effects of all of the EMF radiation in our tech heavy world. The device you are reading this post on has an energetic field of radiation surrounding it. This can interact with your body’s energetic field and can impact your sleep and impact your health. Luckily, quantum energy can help neutralize those hungry ions by giving them energy while also giving any of your hungry atoms energy. 

Not to mention, quantum energy can offer you that much needed boost to deal with the tasks you avoid in the dark cold days, the holidays that can seem super overwhelming, and a small jolt if things get a little dark. They’ve been found to increase ATP production which are the molecules of energy made by our cells. Additionally, they aid in cellular recovery which is much needed as our immune systems can take a dive later in the year.


The end of the year can come fast and swift as summer dies down. And with it your energy can feel like it’s sucked away into the darkness or pulled in a million different directions. With the right steps of planning, solidifying your schedule, goals, and strategies you can traverse these tough or intensely happy times while ensuring that your energy is used by, for you.

You can’t change Daylight savings, the dates of holidays or maybe even how you feel but you can make small incremental changes over the next few months to not only make the most of the year but ensure that your energy is not only secure but optimized for the best possible end of your year.

